Tesse Akpeki FCG
Tesse Akpeki is Fellow Chartered Governance Leadership and Governance Strategist and Founder of Wellbeing & Resilience Leadership Initiative. Born in England Tesse spent much of her early life in two children institutions in Northern Ireland. It was not a straightforward life journey. Having qualified as a lawyer in West Africa, she found her qualifications not recognised in the United Kingdom. Tesse found herself undertaking blue collar jobs to make a living while she retrained as a lawyer in England. Tesse won two international awards in company secretarial practice while qualifying as a Chartered Secretary and now mentors members of the Chartered Governance Institute (ICSA). Tesse is now one of England’s leading nonprofit governance consultants and an enthusiastic podcaster. She has had personal and professional triumphs, tragedies and victories as she journeys towards finding purpose and meaning. A life long learner, Tesse extols the value of continuous improvement, compassion, empathy and competence. “Making a difference to others. Caring and sharing is what moves me, it is healing for us to share our experiences and to hear other peoples experiences.” says Tesse.
TesseLeads: www.tesseakpeki.com/tesseleads/
TesseTalks: www.tesseakpeki.com/category/tessetalks/
Follow on Instagram: tesseleads_podcast & tessetalks_podcast
Key Areas of Knowledge
Organisational Development
Relationship Development and sustainability